Friday, April 19, 2013

Hunger Games

Now Were Gonna Do A Review On Ozzy's Pig Hunger Games!!!!!!

The Hunger Games are a book series that completely swept the nation. If you're not familiar with the story, basically two people from different cities or "districts" are forced to compete in the Hunger Games which are basically a battle to the death between the candidates. It's an interesting book. Too much romance for me personally, but I love how it created a new gameplay idea.

Gameplay 7/10

Each player starts their round on pedestals surrounding a vast mound of items. A timer counts down and you need to scramble to the items and grab as many items as possible before they're all gone. You have a hunger bar, and a thirst bar which you must keep track of. Food and water are scattered throughout the map. This is probably the best part of the game. However, if you die early in the game then you can be standing around doing nothing for around thirty minutes. You can bet on players and sponsor them with food or weapons but those options last hardly any time at all. There is no way to pass the time if you've died early. Your best bet is to leave and hope to join another server that is almost over or just starting. I once went to a server with two survivors in the games. All one of the players did was run. This completely took out the fun in the game since there was no way for either of the players to die and the game lasted a good 15 minutes before the game exploded. (Not really sure what happened, don't ask.)

Effort 10/10

There are tons of maps, tons of little scripts involved. It's very well built.

Creativity 8/10

There are really just tons of these games around now. They really aren't all that different from eachother.

Overall 7.5/10

pInstall a time limit so the games don't last forever.

dFind some way to penalize players who just run away all the time.

sGive me all the gamepass items for a better review

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